
综合研究 at 格温内斯仁慈大学 is a student-centered, inclusive post-secondary program for individuals 年龄d 18-26 with intellectual disabilities.
This program is designed to provide excellent opportunities in education, 职业发展, and social participation within an inclusive academic setting. 综合研究 strives to create a community that cultivates self-determination, 服务, 自我效能感, 终身学习.

综合研究 Pre-College Summer Institute
6月17-21 & 2024年7月8-12日(选择一周)

今年夏天和我们一起住一个星期! 为即将升入高中的三年级学生, 老年人, 或者是参加过渡项目的学生, 这一周, residential program introduces students with intellectual disability to college life. 这两个星期都满员了; 请申请加入我们的等候名单. 



综合研究是格温内斯默西大学校园里一个完全包容的高等教育项目, 为智障学生提供两年或四年的大学经历,以逐步发展每学期与学术兴趣相关的技能, 就业, 沟通, 健康生活, and technology with the ultimate goal of increased independence, 有意义的就业和自我实现. 该项目以“思考大学标准”为基础,在PA包容性高等教育联盟和其他成功项目的支持下创建.

综合研究的学生将成为格温内斯默西大学社区的积极成员,因为他们将旁听大学课程, 参与社区实习, 参加体育赛事, 在餐厅吃饭, and have the opportunity to live in the residence halls.



学生每学期将旁听四门与他们的学术和就业目标相关的课程(12学分). 学生将获得综合学习证书和GMercyU成绩单,其中包括已完成的课程和实习. 学生将有机会进入 学生成功中心 并可能接受训练有素的同行导师的辅导和学术指导,以提高学习和组织能力.


学生s will explore career interests and learn 就业 skills through partnerships with the 职业发展办事处 以及社区/大学合作伙伴关系. These activities will occur outside of class time, on an individual and group basis. 学生s will complete individualized on-campus and community-based internships (paid or unpaid), that can count towards audit credit with the ultimate goal of paid 就业. 学生将被要求参加与他们的个性化目标相关的校园研讨会和网络研讨会.g. building a resume, interview skills, career exploration, 等.)


学生s will participate in campus and community activities like all Griffins, 包括课外活动, 校内的运动, 同伴辅导, and community 服务 to promote active membership in the community. 综合研究专业的学生每学期必须参加至少一个校园社团/组织. 学生将被要求参加与他们的个人目标相关的校园研讨会和活动.g. resident hall cooking workshops, group exercise classes, 等).

Prior to the start of a student’s first semester, a person-centered planning meeting will take place including the student, 综合研究项目人员, 家庭成员, 支持协调员等. to discuss and create an individualized plan for a student’s time at GMercyU. 学生s will have individualized supports to maximize independence and success on campus.


  • 审核课程的教学大纲修改-在每门课程中创建作业以满足学生的学习目标
  • 每周/每两周与综合研究项目的工作人员开会,回顾目标并介绍成功的策略
  • Academic coaches – peer students who offer academic support (time man年龄ment strategies, 组织等.) 
  • 同伴导师——在课堂上、午餐时间、健身房等提供支持的同伴学生. 
  • Peer tutors- All Gwynedd students have access to tutors through the Academic Resource Center, who will have gone through additional training on unique teaching strategies for diverse learners
  • 工作指导——为学生提供工作指导(接受过额外培训的学生都可以), (或通过支持协调)根据需要减少支持并引入策略以最大限度地提高独立性 
  • Natural supports will be encour年龄d within the classroom and campus environment

学生s will have the option to live in the residence halls in an inclusive environment. 学生将得到一名RA(住宿助理)的支持,他接受过额外的培训,以支持有身份证的学生. 

Additional information about residence hall options 可以在这里找到. 

扎克·胡林斯,马萨诸塞州 (他,他,他的)
Interim Program Director of 综合研究

扎克于2018年加入GMercyU,担任硕士咨询实习生,并于2021年秋季担任综合研究助理主任. 在他进入GMercyU之前, 他在小学和中学教育中担任过各种角色,与智力残疾人士一起工作, 自闭症, 情感支持需求. Zack earned his Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology from Arcadia University, and his Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and Sociology from the University of Pittsburgh. 在他空闲的时候, 他喜欢和家人在一起, 阅读各种各样的东西, and playing the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. 去传单.


Christa费舍尔 (她/她/她的)

Christa is so happy to step into the role of Interim Assistant Director of 综合研究, 她于2022年秋季加入职业发展部,担任实习和雇主参与专家. Prior to GMercyU, Christa was a special education teacher specializing in secondary transition. Christa earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Education from West Chester University, her Special Education Certification from the Chester County Intermediate Unit, 以及她的特殊教育硕士学位:从州立鲍灵格林大学中学过渡. 克丽斯塔喜欢和家人一起度过闲暇时光,读书、看戏和旅游.

GMercyU 综合研究 is seeking peer mentors, 学术的教练, and job coaches to promote independence and provide individualized support. 

如果感兴趣, 请联系扎克·胡林斯, Interim Program Coordinator of 综合研究 at 随着.z@psychomotricite-la-seyne.com.

塞巴斯蒂安帮助改变了全国智力残疾学生参加三级田径比赛的规则. A talented runner, Sebastian was determined to continue his athletic career in college.  与GMercyU体育主任Keith Mondillo和前综合研究项目主任合作, Sebastian successfully obtained a waiver allowing him to run on GMercyU’s Track & Field and Cross Country teams, creating a new standard for the NCAA. 看看他在《摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站》上的表现吧

Varun Parakala
Varun Parakala, 25岁

了解Varun的实习经历, participating in GMercyU's annual research conference, 他的职业目标, 和更多的. 读瓦伦的故事

I love how many peer mentors I have that help me, and I like having the support to get me through my classes. 综合研究 has allowed me to make new friends. 

Varun Parakala, 25岁


In order to be admitted into GMercyU's 综合研究课程, each student must:

  • Be between the 年龄s of 18-26 at the start of the program. 
  • Have a documented diagnosis of intellectual disability.
  • 表现出对在格温内斯大学接受高等教育和获得有意义的工作的兴趣.
  • Have exited high school or secondary institution (diploma, 格, 特殊教育文凭, 证书). 
  • Have either received or would have been eligible to receive 服务s under IDEA (i.e.(IEP/504). 
  • 表现出足够的情绪稳定性, 安全, 和独立的生活技能,以最少的支持参与综合研究课程和校园环境的各个方面.
  • 为了理解基本的安全标识,是否具备功能性读写技能和基本的计算机读写能力, 在支持下完成任务, 在校园里独立行走.
  • 是否有潜力在最少的支持下成功实现审计指定的目标和课程要求. 
  • 能够适当地参加75分钟的课程,并提供必要的住宿,以便在社交环境中独立运作,例如独自一人在格里芬综合体中, 学术的建筑, 自助餐厅, 等.
  • 能够接受和遵守学校的规章制度,在没有监督的情况下尊重他人.
  • 有自己的手机吗. 
  • Highly desired: enrolled in county supports coordination/OVR/waiver at the start of the program. 

The 综合研究课程 is not a 双录取 program.

2024年秋季入学申请现已关闭. 谢谢你的关心!

如果您有任何问题,请与我们联系 admissions@psychomotricite-la-seyne.com or integratedstudies@psychomotricite-la-seyne.com.

  • 学生s will pay per credit that they audit; a Comprehensive Fee; and an Educational Support Fee. 你可以在 学费 & 费用页面
  • The cost of living in residence halls varies depending on the room selected. 了解更多摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站 GMercyU的宿舍价格. 
  • Residential students will be required to purchase a meal plan, 但强烈鼓励非住宿学生制定膳食计划,并提供与同龄人共进午餐的校园社会参与机会. 
  • Books, class materials, and school supplies are not included in the cost of tuition. 

  • Think College有一个有用的资源 支付大学学费, 项目工作人员可以在这个过程中提供建议,以确保任何被录取的学生都能在经济上获得该项目.
  • 综合研究 is a Comprehensive Transition Program (CTP). 学生应该 完成FAFSA during their admissions process to determine if they are eligible for Federal Pell Grants, Supplemental Education Grants or Federal Work-Study.
  • 学生s may apply funds from PA Medicaid waiver funding toward tuition and educational support; and/or apply funds from OVR.
  • Additional scholarships may be available through:
你知道吗?? 综合研究学生 塞巴斯蒂安·德西蒙,26岁 was featured in the Philadelphia Inquirer 表彰他在确保全国智障学生能够参加三级体育比赛中所发挥的作用.